ID Username Steam ID Admin Reason Time of Ban Length of Ban Unban Time Modified Admin Time When Modified
1054 thephoenix562 STEAM_0:0:87639721 Zep(STEAM_0:1:59727297) Spoilers, Tease, Mic Spam, Gore, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1415309, 1495533 07/01/16 18:39:32 1 week 07/08/16 18:39:32 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 07/07/16 04:48:32
1053 thephoenix562 STEAM_0:0:87639721 PRO15699(STEAM_0:1:65720881) weeks Spoilers, Tease, Mic spam, Gore 07/01/16 18:23:10 2 weeks 07/15/16 18:23:10 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 07/01/16 18:24:04
1052 Crytoxion STEAM_0:1:68745779 Noire(STEAM_0:1:45198493) Discrimination, Gore, Pornography 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1495299, 1495302, 1495303, 1495317 07/01/16 11:18:22 2 weeks 07/15/16 11:18:22 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) 07/01/16 11:21:42
1051 Poopy Tartoni STEAM_0:0:516163 Zerac (STEAM_0:1:32776421) Trolling, Civil Unrest, Permanent, Log ID:1494781 07/01/16 06:54:37 Permanent Never None None
1050 Spearmann66 \☮/ STEAM_0:0:58695056 Zerac(STEAM_0:1:32776421) Mic spam, Harassment, 23 Days 07/01/16 06:14:28 3 weeks 07/24/16 06:14:28 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 07/19/16 14:22:48
1049 The Wellness Center Lady STEAM_0:0:57634157 Hugbeez (STEAM_0:1:82476124) Tease, Loop, Skip Raid, 9 Days, Log IDs: 1493265, 1493251, 1493278, 1493275, 1493303, 1493297, 1494554 07/01/16 05:11:19 1 week 07/10/16 05:11:19 None None
1048 Vetrix STEAM_0:1:32232598 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) Pornography, Discrimination, Trolling, 2 Weeks, Log ID: 1493262 06/30/16 07:38:49 2 weeks 07/14/16 07:38:49 None None
1047 Hentai Bunny STEAM_0:0:89754447 Noire(STEAM_0:1:45198493) Disgusting, Trolling 2 Weeks, Log ID: 1493200, 1493179, 1493178 06/30/16 06:55:30 2 weeks 07/14/16 06:55:30 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) 06/30/16 06:57:45
1046 Yabadadooooooooo STEAM_0:0:85924561 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Chat Spam, Disgusting, Disturbing, Ear Rape, Harassment, 12 Days, Log IDs: 1483523, 1483627, 1487988 06/27/16 02:41:45 1 week 07/09/16 02:41:45 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 06/27/16 03:35:00
1045 Ed Miliband STEAM_0:0:85219231 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) [Alt: STEAM_0:0:37937712] Ear Rape, Loop, Discrimination, 4 Weeks, Log IDs: 1473502, 1473517, 1475628, 1475629, 1487895 06/27/16 01:57:33 4 weeks 07/25/16 01:57:33 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 06/27/16 01:58:10
1044 Chikn [Saudia] STEAM_0:0:37937712 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Ear Rape, Loop, Discrimination, 4 Weeks, Log IDs: 1473502, 1473517, 1475628, 1475629, 1487895 06/27/16 01:56:26 4 weeks 07/25/16 01:56:26 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 06/27/16 01:58:33
1043 ecchi shiyouze STEAM_0:1:75906856 ReconZer0(STEAM_0:1:70627681) Nudity, Discrimination, Pornography, Tease, 1 Month, Log IDs: 1487658, 1487660, 1487668, 1487669 06/26/16 22:04:43 4 weeks 07/24/16 22:04:43 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) 06/26/16 22:07:55
1042 AyyMira STEAM_0:1:146375754 ReconZer0(STEAM_0:1:70627681) Ear Rape, Discrimination, Disgusting, Loop, 6 Days, Log IDs: 1484834, 1484840, 1484871, 1487642 06/26/16 21:44:46 6 days 07/02/16 21:44:46 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) 06/26/16 21:45:31
1041 Hex, The Hero Of Palestine STEAM_0:0:42498646 Noire(STEAM_0:1:45198493) Discrimination, Trolling, Civil Unrest, 4 Weeks, Log ID: 1487168 06/26/16 07:55:28 4 weeks 07/24/16 07:55:28 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) 06/26/16 09:22:16
1040 Sanicross STEAM_0:0:33288831 Noire(STEAM_0:1:45198493) Discrimination, Trolling, Mic Spam, 1 Week 06/26/16 07:53:04 1 week 07/03/16 07:53:04 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) 06/26/16 10:33:31
1039 sky STEAM_0:0:104812679 ReconZer0(STEAM_0:1:70627681) Tease, Gore, Ecchi, 5 Days, Log IDs: 1477161, 1477813, 1484015, 1486373 06/25/16 19:19:25 5 days 06/30/16 19:19:25 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) 06/25/16 21:06:41
1038 Leikez STEAM_0:1:36136629 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Hentai, Discrimination, Chat Spam, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1485953, 1485998 06/25/16 07:49:31 2 weeks 07/09/16 07:49:31 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 06/25/16 08:00:24
1037 Sulltran STEAM_0:0:77308796 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Discrimination, 3 Days, Log ID: 1485990 06/25/16 07:48:08 3 days 06/28/16 07:48:08 None None
1036 STEAM_0:1:165978708 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:0:28666897] Real Life Death, Permanent, Log ID: 1483670 06/24/16 04:08:08 Permanent Never None None
1035 <hsv>PimpJuiceGoldenNuts</hsv> STEAM_0:0:28666897 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Real Life Death, Permanent, Log ID: 1483670 06/24/16 03:21:03 Permanent Never None None
1034 Bloom STEAM_0:0:176799400 Tea(STEAM_0:0:40610366) [Alt: STEAM_0:1:75433674] EnderNator10. 06/24/16 00:36:56 Permanent Never WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) 06/24/16 00:44:00
1032 SuicidalCupcake STEAM_0:1:36976013 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) Discrimination, Ear Rape, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1482937, 1482943, 1482947 06/23/16 16:07:32 1 week 06/30/16 16:07:32 None None
1031 LieutenantZvesda | STEAM_0:0:23698592 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Discrimination, Mic Spam, 5 Days, Log ID: 1481507 06/23/16 02:15:06 5 days 06/28/16 02:15:06 None None
1030 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ STEAM_0:0:156497705 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) Discrimination, 1 Week 06/22/16 04:38:05 1 week 06/29/16 04:38:05 None None
1029 Solo Lynx STEAM_0:0:66048277 ReconZer0(STEAM_0:1:70627681) Ecchi, Trolling, Ear Rape, Mic Spam, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1399851, 1476780, 1478486 06/21/16 17:12:35 1 week 06/30/16 17:12:35 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) 06/21/16 17:13:18
1028 Danksparce STEAM_0:0:56654847 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Pornography, Discrimination, Gore, Permanent, Log IDs: 1476637, 1476662, 1476655, 1476668 06/20/16 17:17:42 Permanent Never patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 06/20/16 17:25:53
1027 PandaMan0110 STEAM_0:1:88170711 Noire(STEAM_0:1:45198493) Chat Spam, Ear Rape, Tease, Loop, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1467080, 1476133, 1467140, 1467141, 1476149, 1476153 06/20/16 04:43:45 1 week 06/27/16 04:43:45 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) 06/20/16 04:48:47
1026 Devil-Shadow STEAM_0:1:17639483 Zerac (STEAM_0:1:32776421) Mic-Spam, Gore, Harassment, 2 Months, Log ID: 1464134 06/18/16 17:08:50 8 weeks 08/13/16 17:08:50 None None
1025 sup STEAM_0:0:90884832 ReconZer0(STEAM_0:1:70627681) Real Life Death, Permanent, Log ID: 1473432 06/18/16 16:07:54 Permanent Never ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) 06/18/16 17:57:28
1024 YouTube The Gaming Canadian STEAM_0:1:59613626 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) Hentai, Ear Rape, Discrimination, Chat Spam, Trolling, 3 Weeks, Log IDs:1461617, 1461726 06/18/16 05:57:42 3 weeks 07/09/16 05:57:42 None None