ID Username Steam ID Admin Reason Time of Ban Length of Ban Unban Time Modified Admin Time When Modified
1084 Pusa STEAM_0:0:36012373 WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) Causing Drama, Trolling, Harassment, etc. Permanent. 07/17/16 03:26:10 Permanent Never None None
1083 ShanaMaidHD ♡ STEAM_0:1:95004504 WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) Causing Drama, Trolling, Harassment, etc. Permanent. 07/17/16 03:21:09 Permanent Never None None
1082 【♡mimi♡】 STEAM_0:0:89148654 Zerac(STEAM_0:1:32776421) Causing Drama, Mic Spam, Trolling, Harassment, Spoilers. Permanent. 07/17/16 01:39:11 Permanent Never WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) 07/17/16 03:26:36
1081 STEAM_0:1:66451194 Noire(STEAM_0:1:45198493) [Alt: STEAM_0:1:80073354] Hentai, Disgusting, Gore, Ear Rape, Harassment, Trolling, 2 Weeks Log IDs: 1501247, 1503493, 1505806, 1505808 07/16/16 08:26:45 2 weeks 07/30/16 08:27:03 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) 07/16/16 08:27:03
1080 noot noot STEAM_0:1:80073354 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) Hentai, Disgusting, Gore, Ear Rape, Harassment, Trolling, 2 Weeks Log IDs: 1501247, 1503493, 1505806, 1505808 07/16/16 08:23:15 2 weeks 07/30/16 08:23:15 None None
1079 High Caliber STEAM_0:1:59613626 Zerac (STEAM_0:1:32776421) Gore, Civil Unrest, Ear Rape, 5 Weeks, Log IDs: 1508102, 1508180, 1508213, 1508215, 1518129, 1518119 07/15/16 08:31:34 5 weeks 08/19/16 08:31:34 None None
1078 cakezm8 STEAM_0:0:50505352 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Civil Unrest, Ear Rape, Distubing, 10 Days, Log IDs: 1402837, 1402830, 1402850, 1514400, 1517697 07/15/16 03:25:55 1 week 07/25/16 03:25:55 None None
1077 Emily Pound STEAM_0:1:34392930 Hugbeez(STEAM_0:1:82476124) Mic Spam, Discrimination, Trolling, 5 Days 07/14/16 08:55:35 5 days 07/19/16 08:55:35 Hugbeez (STEAM_0:1:82476124) 07/14/16 08:56:40
1076 Meow Ming STEAM_0:1:79487150 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) Animal Slaughter, Permanent, Log ID: 1516623 07/14/16 08:09:59 Permanent Never None None
1075 Diabetes the Man Killer STEAM_0:1:32232598 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) Tease, Trolling, 1 Week, Log ID: 1516598 07/14/16 08:07:38 1 week 07/21/16 08:07:38 None None
1074 ØÜℜ♏ÏÑΞ STEAM_0:0:55281859 Hugbeez(STEAM_0:1:82476124) Chat Spam, 2 Days 07/12/16 04:26:06 2 days 07/14/16 04:26:06 Hugbeez (STEAM_0:1:82476124) 07/12/16 04:27:10
1073 Mr. Flawful STEAM_0:0:79680360 Half(STEAM_0:1:38325118) Trolling, Chat Spam, 7 Weeks 07/10/16 20:18:13 7 weeks 08/28/16 20:18:13 Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) 07/10/16 21:05:08
1072 敬礼 , 敬礼! Salute, Salute STEAM_0:0:58113227 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) Discimination, Tease, Ear Rape, Ecchi, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1505174, 1505265, 1505267, 1505256, 1506776 07/08/16 17:02:26 1 week 07/15/16 17:02:26 None None
1071 ⎛⎝raetrd⎠⎞ STEAM_0:0:92022614 Hugbeez (STEAM_0:1:82476124) Tease, Ecchi, Chat Spam, Trolling, 3 Weeks, Log IDs: 1506034, 1506033 07/08/16 05:43:31 3 weeks 07/29/16 05:43:31 None None
1070 STEAM_0:0:137603782 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:1:53208363] Real Life Death, Permanent, Log IDs: 1113023, 1113020 07/07/16 21:42:04 Permanent Never None None
1069 lo8888 STEAM_0:0:105099135 Zerac(STEAM_0:1:32776421) Civil Unrest, Trolling, Disturbing, 3 Weeks, Log IDs: 1504742, 1504791, 1504801 07/07/16 10:12:04 3 weeks 07/28/16 10:12:04 Zerac (STEAM_0:1:32776421) 07/07/16 10:12:27
1068 AwesomeFork24 STEAM_0:1:74722544 Half(STEAM_0:1:38325118) Civil Unrest, Disturbing, 3 Weeks, Log IDs:1504731, 1504739, 1504776 07/07/16 09:34:53 3 weeks 07/28/16 09:34:53 Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) 07/07/16 09:55:32
1067 Drizzy STEAM_0:0:17282217 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Tease, Ear Rape, Discrimination, Mic Spam, 6 Days, Log IDs: 1499607, 1499614, 1504219, 1504293 07/07/16 04:33:23 6 days 07/13/16 04:33:23 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 07/07/16 04:34:05
1066 Moseby STEAM_0:0:62351798 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Skip Raid, Trolling, Ear Rape, 2 Weeks, Log ID: 1432438 07/06/16 04:00:17 2 weeks 07/20/16 04:00:17 None None
1065 Okienaku STEAM_0:1:48900933 PMONickpop123(STEAM_0:1:41868002) Mic Spam, 1 Week 07/06/16 02:04:11 1 week 07/13/16 02:04:11 PMONickpop123 (STEAM_0:1:41868002) 07/06/16 02:09:24
1064 Deliberate Hater STEAM_0:0:79680360 Half(STEAM_0:1:38325118) Chat Spam, Discrimination, 3 Days 07/05/16 04:01:47 3 days 07/08/16 04:01:47 Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) 07/05/16 04:03:02
1063 Parzival STEAM_0:0:98229160 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) Real Life Death, Disturbing, Ear Rape, Discrimination, Permanent, Log IDs: 1500480, 1500447 07/05/16 01:44:01 Permanent Never None None
1062 INTERIOR CROCODILE ALLIGATOR STEAM_0:1:46264641 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) Tease, Ear Rape, Trolling, 6 Days, Log IDs: 1500283, 1500285, 1500316, 1500319 07/04/16 22:26:26 6 days 07/10/16 22:26:26 None None
1061 ♔king♔ STEAM_0:0:66097213 Half(STEAM_0:1:38325118) Gore, Ecchi, Loop, 7 Days, Log IDs: 1497658, 1497728, 1500131, 1500257 07/04/16 21:03:29 1 week 07/11/16 21:03:29 Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) 07/04/16 21:05:22
1060 Tostitos STEAM_0:0:39729865 Zerac (STEAM_0:1:32776421) Mic Spam, Discrimination, Loop, 5 Days, Log ID: 1499121 07/04/16 08:00:26 5 days 07/09/16 08:00:26 None None
1059 BushMasterRPG STEAM_0:1:127695534 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Ear Rape, Tease, 9 Days, Log IDs: 1484733, 1484756, 1486903, 1499243, 1499282 07/04/16 05:34:30 1 week 07/13/16 05:34:30 None None
1058 jackinat0r STEAM_0:0:74528985 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Real Life Death, Permanent, Log IDs: 1498792, 1498781, 1498796 07/03/16 23:34:57 Permanent Never patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 07/03/16 23:35:19
1057 Hitl3r_D1d_Naff1ing_wr0ng STEAM_0:1:79804938 Hugbeez(STEAM_0:1:82476124) Pornography, Disturbing, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1497214, 1497285, 1497247 07/02/16 23:42:39 2 weeks 07/16/16 23:42:39 Hugbeez (STEAM_0:1:82476124) 07/02/16 23:45:08
1056 STEAM_0:0:118625279 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:0:85924561] Chat Spam, Disgusting, Disturbing, Ear Rape, Harassment, 12 Days, Log IDs: 1483523, 1483627, 1487988 07/02/16 06:44:24 6 days 07/09/16 02:41:45 None None
1055 madmace10 STEAM_0:0:56227056 Zerac(STEAM_0:1:32776421) Discrimination, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1495673, 1495695, 1495702, 1495706 07/01/16 20:25:27 1 week 07/08/16 20:25:27 Zerac (STEAM_0:1:32776421) 07/01/16 20:28:17