ID Username Steam ID Admin Reason Time of Ban Length of Ban Unban Time Modified Admin Time When Modified
1023 Frankie720p STEAM_0:1:50609150 ReconZer0(STEAM_0:1:70627681) Real Life Death, Civil Unrest, Permanent, Log IDs: 1471990, 1471991, 1471994 06/17/16 20:01:44 Permanent Never ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) 06/17/16 20:06:30
1022 ScarXD STEAM_0:1:47350479 Tea (STEAM_0:0:40610366) Civil Unrest, Discrimination, Gore, Tease, 10 Days, Log IDs: 1470064, 1470159, 1469945, 1380978 06/16/16 17:49:53 1 week 06/26/16 17:49:53 None None
1021 Make Amerdicka Great Agn STEAM_0:0:174880602 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) [Alt: STEAM_0:0:92022614] Ear Rape, Pornography, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1455756, 1455758, 1455763 06/16/16 03:06:17 1 week 06/24/16 03:06:17 None None
1020 [Dn] Gritz STEAM_0:0:87727965 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) Threatening DDOS, Harassment, Discrimination, Permanent 06/15/16 07:13:09 Permanent Never None None
1019 Kolonel Ørløk STEAM_0:1:60036754 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Mic Spam, Skip Raid, Disturbing, Tease, 6 Days, Log IDs: 1463552, 1465302 06/14/16 06:00:59 6 days 06/20/16 06:00:59 None None
1018 PeculiarGamer STEAM_0:1:110023990 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Animal Sex, Mic Spam, Pornography, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1465257, 1465243 06/14/16 05:47:06 2 weeks 06/28/16 05:47:06 None None
1017 Kirito STEAM_0:0:162330133 Zep (STEAM_0:1:59727297) Gore, Ear Rape, Civil Unrest, Trolling, 1 Week, Log ID: 1458277, 1458720, 1459683 06/11/16 19:45:10 1 week 06/18/16 19:45:10 None None
1016 Ayaya! [Pekmar] STEAM_0:1:45660030 Zep(STEAM_0:1:59727297) Gore, Ear Rape, Civil Unrest, Trolling, 1 Week, Log ID: 1458277, 1458720, 1459683 06/11/16 19:44:00 Permanent Never Zep (STEAM_0:1:59727297) 06/11/16 19:45:59
1015 Yu STEAM_0:1:161382459 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Eye Rape, Gore, Discrimination, Tease, 5 Days, Log IDs: 1416811, 1451304, 1451374, 1459643 06/11/16 08:43:03 5 days 06/16/16 08:43:03 None None
1014 STEAM_0:0:175123539 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:1:29154188] Chat Spam, Discrimination, Gore, 6 Weeks, Log ID: 1447250 06/11/16 03:40:28 5 weeks 07/23/16 03:14:50 None None
1013 Kyrios the maxim STEAM_0:1:29154188 salty bird (STEAM_0:1:55852355) Chat Spam, Discrimination, Gore, 6 Weeks, Log ID: 1447250 06/11/16 03:14:50 6 weeks 07/23/16 03:14:50 None None
1012 ℱeelTheBeRn STEAM_0:0:92022614 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) Ear Rape, Pornography, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1455756, 1455758, 1455763 06/09/16 15:46:03 2 weeks 06/23/16 15:46:03 None None
1011 Chuck✔♔ STEAM_0:0:81192415 Noire(STEAM_0:1:45198493) Animal Slaughter, Discrimination, Disturbing, Ear Rape, Civil Unrest, Permanent, Log ID: 1455313 06/09/16 06:06:22 Permanent Never Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) 06/09/16 06:15:09
1010 Cockmeme STEAM_0:0:63550367 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) Discrimination, Ear Rape, Nudity, 10 Days, Log IDs: 1454221, 1454240, 1454250, 1454257 06/08/16 20:14:41 1 week 06/18/16 20:14:41 None None
1009 Mtwarrior STEAM_0:1:26793858 Noire(STEAM_0:1:45198493) Tease, Ear Rape, Nudity, Civil Unrest, 3 weeks, Log IDs: 1449561, 1378315, 1379979,1380302, 1380299, 1380298, 1380451 06/06/16 05:38:15 3 weeks 06/27/16 05:38:15 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) 06/06/16 05:40:46
1008 ·٠•●Majestic●•٠· STEAM_0:0:89319501 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Trolling, Animal Sex, Ear Rape, 18 Days, Log IDs: 1447431, 1447657, 1447658, 1447702 06/05/16 10:14:32 2 weeks 06/23/16 10:14:32 None None
1007 STEAM_0:0:42871727 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:0:23555120] Nudity, Tease, Disgusting, Animal Sex, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1413719, 1439397, 1439391, 1444830 06/05/16 06:10:17 1 week 06/18/16 03:36:26 None None
1006 my microwave STEAM_0:0:20162154 ReconZer0(STEAM_0:1:70627681) Discrimination, Trolling, 5 Days 06/04/16 22:11:23 5 days 06/09/16 22:11:23 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) 06/04/16 22:14:36
1005 Born in wrong Gen STEAM_0:0:147443853 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Discrimination, Trolling, 5 Days 06/04/16 22:10:43 5 days 06/09/16 22:10:43 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 06/04/16 22:25:23
1004 My Royalty Free Mixtape STEAM_0:0:55197791 Zep(STEAM_0:1:59727297) Tease, Mic Spam, Civil Unrest, 3 Days, Log IDs: 1441284, 1443862 06/04/16 20:32:12 3 days 06/07/16 20:32:12 Zep (STEAM_0:1:59727297) 06/04/16 20:34:22
1003 ^Exodia STEAM_0:0:59484527 Zerac (STEAM_0:1:32776421) Trolling, Ear Rape, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1444880, 1444913, 1444956 06/04/16 05:04:20 1 week 06/11/16 05:04:20 None None
1002 cooldudemichael STEAM_0:1:70792912 Zerac (STEAM_0:1:32776421) Trolling, Tease, Ear Rape, 5 Days, Log IDs: 1436134, 1436624 06/04/16 04:38:41 5 days 06/09/16 04:38:41 None None
1001 yoseph yoestar STEAM_0:0:23555120 Liquidus(STEAM_0:1:7321996) Nudity, Tease, Disgusting, Animal Sex, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1413719, 1439397, 1439391, 1444830 06/04/16 03:36:26 2 weeks 06/18/16 03:36:26 Liquidus (STEAM_0:1:7321996) 06/04/16 03:41:55
1000 Broseph Stalin STEAM_0:0:76552937 ReconZer0(STEAM_0:1:70627681) Animal Slaughter, Nudity, Mic Spam, 3 Weeks, Log IDs: 1418896, 1429629, 06/03/16 22:33:43 3 weeks 06/24/16 22:33:43 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) 06/04/16 02:31:54
999 KennpachiRamaSama STEAM_0:0:17913991 Zerac (STEAM_0:1:32776421) Civil Unrest, Trolling, Disgusting, 6 Days, Log IDs: 1348220, 1413067, 1443559 06/03/16 09:46:34 6 days 06/09/16 09:46:34 None None
998 Porpoise Man STEAM_0:0:94478878 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Anti-Afk, Gore, Spoilers, 5 Days, Log ID: 1429475 05/31/16 22:33:04 5 days 06/05/16 22:33:04 Zerac (STEAM_0:1:32776421) 06/01/16 18:42:48
997 }µ's♨ヒナギク♨µ's{ STEAM_0:0:91804295 Zerac (STEAM_0:1:32776421) Ecchi, Gore, 8 Days, Log IDs: 1438231, 1431477, 1431485, 1433734 05/31/16 16:18:58 1 week 06/08/16 16:18:58 None None
996 Jon STEAM_0:0:87691804 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Gore, Permanent, Log ID: 1434807 05/30/16 03:21:01 Permanent Never patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 05/30/16 04:47:48
995 PandaMan0110 STEAM_0:1:88170711 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Discrimination, Mic Spam, Chat Spam, Animal Sex, 2 Weeks, Log ID: 1434780 05/30/16 03:17:45 2 weeks 06/13/16 03:17:45 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 05/30/16 03:29:01
994 DerpScerp #Failure STEAM_0:0:41826807 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Discrimination, Mic Spam, Chat Spam, 6 Days 05/30/16 03:17:27 6 days 06/05/16 03:17:27 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 05/30/16 03:22:08