ID Username Steam ID Admin Reason Time of Ban Length of Ban Unban Time Modified Admin Time When Modified
810 MeatBall STEAM_0:0:104040959 WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) Harassment, Inciting Rule Breaking, Causing Drama, Chat Spam, etc. Banned 3 times before. Permanent. 01/25/16 07:31:37 Permanent Never patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 01/25/16 07:34:12
809 jordy STEAM_0:0:71464114 WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) Tease, Harassment, trolling, 10 Days, Log IDs: 1229294, 1229271, 1229270, 1229266, 1229257, 1229266 01/25/16 07:29:05 1 week 02/01/16 07:29:05 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 01/25/16 07:34:38
808 Derpaholic STEAM_0:1:71546294 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 4th Ban, Shows No Improvement, Trolling, Discrimination, Permanent 01/25/16 07:28:09 Permanent Never WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) 01/25/16 07:34:34
807 PYROTEKNIK STEAM_0:0:26424112 WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) Flaming/Trolling/CBCJL DDoSing, Doxxing, Harassment, etc. Permanent. 01/25/16 07:27:56 Permanent Never patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 01/25/16 07:35:06
806 Mythbusters Fan STEAM_0:1:91429999 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) [Alt: STEAM_0:1:75433674] EnderNator10. 01/25/16 07:24:54 Permanent Never WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) 06/24/16 00:44:17
805 Brian (Chaika) STEAM_0:1:70541320 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Trolling, Chat/Mic Spam, Banned 5 times previous. Permanent. 01/25/16 07:24:18 Permanent Never WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) 01/25/16 07:34:04
804 STEAM_0:1:159375275 (Console) [Alt: STEAM_0:0:48232716] Mic Spam, Ear Rape, Chat Spam, Staff Impersonation, Digusting, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1150950, 1215610 01/25/16 05:10:48 6 days 02/01/16 02:41:15 None None
803 Bishaika STEAM_0:1:29154188 salty bird (STEAM_0:1:55852355) Discrimination, Chat Spam, Trolling, 4 Weeks 01/24/16 04:04:57 4 weeks 02/21/16 04:04:57 salty bird (STEAM_0:1:55852355) 01/24/16 04:06:56
802 jordy STEAM_0:0:71464114 Pandasage (STEAM_0:1:6221606) Tease, Harassment, trolling, 10 Days, Log IDs: 1229294, 1229271, 1229270, 1229266, 1229257, 1229266 01/23/16 03:21:59 1 week 02/02/16 03:21:59 None None
801 Poopy Tartoni STEAM_0:0:516163 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Nudity, Tease, 4 Weeks, Log IDs: 1201205, 1201235, 1228843, 1228858 01/22/16 23:40:50 4 weeks 02/19/16 23:40:50 None None
800 Dragonkiller149 STEAM_0:0:140583886 Asia-Kouhai アルジェント (STEAM_0:1:51229739) Trolling, Nudity, Ecchi, 3 Weeks, Log IDs: 1228733, 1228740, 1228743, 122873 01/22/16 22:28:42 3 weeks 02/12/16 22:28:42 Asia-Kouhai アルジェント (STEAM_0:1:51229739) 01/22/16 22:46:59
799 ☠ Dirty Poz Pig ☠ STEAM_0:1:23926175 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Tease, Nudity, Loop, Discrimination, Ecchi, Gore, Disgusting, Disturbing, 5 Weeks, 1193146, 1193139, 1193135, 1193134, 1193133, 1193131, 1193130, 1193123, 1193126, 1193120, 1193115, 1193114, 1193085, 1193074, 1193073, 1193069, 1193067, 1193063, 1193059, 1193058, 1193057, 1193054, 1193052, 1193051, 1193049, 1193046, 1193043, 1228059 01/22/16 19:24:27 5 weeks 02/26/16 19:24:27 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 01/22/16 19:35:15
798 NeoShadowX4 STEAM_0:0:144135425 Kuro Usagi (STEAM_0:1:45517988) Ear Rape, Loop, Chat Spam, Gore, Trolling, Harassment, 8 Days, Log IDs: 1221756, 1221761, 1221993, 1222274, 1222275, 1223018 01/22/16 02:59:39 1 week 01/30/16 02:59:39 Kuro Usagi (STEAM_0:1:45517988) 01/22/16 04:06:44
797 Dizzy STEAM_0:0:4428703 salty bird (STEAM_0:1:55852355) Pornography, 4 Weeks, Log ID: 1227284 01/22/16 01:12:07 4 weeks 02/19/16 01:12:07 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 01/22/16 02:53:54
796 Pussy Slayer STEAM_0:1:34028824 Tea (STEAM_0:0:40610366) Discrimination, Trolling, 4 Days. 01/21/16 04:37:41 4 days 01/25/16 04:37:41 None None
795 STEAM_0:0:149717540 (Console) [Alt: STEAM_0:0:52680537] Hentai, Civil Unrest, Ecchi, Disturbing, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1140107, 1149411, 1149422, 1149444, 1201224 01/20/16 06:08:22 1 day 01/22/16 05:05:53 None None
794 KitKat STEAM_0:0:54891284 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Chat Spam, Trolling, 1 Week 01/20/16 02:15:48 1 week 01/27/16 02:15:48 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 01/20/16 02:42:51
793 RedRenegade STEAM_0:0:43228725 Tea (STEAM_0:0:40610366) Chat Spam, Loop, Trolling, 12 days, Log ID: 1224222 01/20/16 02:14:01 1 week 02/01/16 02:14:01 Tea (STEAM_0:0:40610366) 01/20/16 02:42:48
792 Aiameowmeowmeow STEAM_0:1:119605193 salty bird (STEAM_0:1:55852355) Gore, Mic Spam, Discrimination, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1168334, 1168348 01/19/16 02:12:14 1 week 01/26/16 02:12:14 None None
791 CaptainRandom™ STEAM_0:0:54254809 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Mic Spam, Trolling, Harassment, 1 Week 01/19/16 02:09:11 1 week 01/26/16 02:09:11 None None
790 President Sniper Joe STEAM_0:0:41286713 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Real Life Death, Animal Slaughter, Ear Rape, Civil Unrest, Permanent, Log IDs: 1203062, 1221223, 1221220, 1221236 01/18/16 10:05:13 Permanent Never patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 01/18/16 10:05:35
789 TheNaughtyMaskedMonster STEAM_0:0:48232716 salty bird (STEAM_0:1:55852355) Mic Spam, Ear Rape, Chat Spam, Staff Impersonation, Digusting, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1150950, 1215610 01/18/16 02:41:15 2 weeks 02/01/16 02:41:15 salty bird (STEAM_0:1:55852355) 01/18/16 02:42:21
788 Musical_Prodigy1388 STEAM_0:0:83147435 WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) Spoiling or attempting to Spoil Star Wars: The Force Awakens. 1 Week. 01/16/16 08:52:49 1 week 01/23/16 08:52:49 WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) 01/16/16 08:53:30
787 Armin STEAM_0:0:93518115 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) [Alt: STEAM_0:1:43085888] CBCJL DDoSing, Doxxing, Harassment, etc. Permanent. 01/16/16 02:43:54 Permanent Never patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 01/16/16 21:17:00
786 fomie1 STEAM_0:0:21832012 Tea (STEAM_0:0:40610366) Gore, Discrimination, Trolling, 3 days, Log ID: 1214310 01/15/16 03:06:47 3 days 01/18/16 03:06:47 Tea (STEAM_0:0:40610366) 01/15/16 03:08:35
785 BobMarley STEAM_0:0:75860124 BraVe (STEAM_0:1:53424207) Discrimination, Trolling, 1 Week 01/15/16 01:11:58 1 week 01/22/16 01:11:58 BraVe (STEAM_0:1:53424207) 01/15/16 01:21:10
784 Little Phoenix Girl STEAM_0:1:158130357 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) [Alt: STEAM_0:1:75433674] EnderNator10. 01/15/16 01:05:50 Permanent Never WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) 06/24/16 00:49:30
783 Ed Miliband STEAM_0:0:85219231 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) [Alt: STEAM_0:0:37937712] Discrimination, Ear Rape, Trolling, 4 Weeks, Log IDs: 1199391,1199461, 1204508 01/10/16 21:11:28 3 weeks 02/07/16 03:46:28 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 01/10/16 21:38:29
782 Chikn STEAM_0:0:37937712 iShimakaze (STEAM_0:0:133632156) Discrimination, Ear Rape, Trolling, 4 Weeks, Log IDs: 1199391,1199461, 1204508 01/10/16 03:46:56 4 weeks 02/07/16 03:46:56 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 01/10/16 21:19:06
781 Doge STEAM_0:1:68518634 PandaSage (STEAM_0:1:6221606) Attempting to spoil, Global chat spam, 1 week 01/10/16 00:59:16 1 week 01/17/16 00:59:16 None None