ID Username Steam ID Admin Reason Time of Ban Length of Ban Unban Time Modified Admin Time When Modified
840 ℛℇɱУ STEAM_0:1:90209939 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Animal Slaughter, Loop, Disturbing, 3 Months, Log IDs: 1270814, 1270792 02/16/16 00:06:11 12 weeks 05/16/16 00:06:11 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 04/15/16 23:03:47
839 Pope Dassal XVI STEAM_0:1:108912820 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Disturbing, Trolling, Discrimination, Chat Spam, 4 Weeks, Log IDs: 1073145, 1269757 02/15/16 09:39:52 4 weeks 03/14/16 09:39:52 None None
838 Cream Gravy STEAM_0:1:63730183 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Ecchi, Gore, Ear Rape, Hentai, 14 Days, Log IDs: 1249411, 1252187, 1252952, 1254379, 1254378, 1254377, 1269332 02/15/16 05:57:33 2 weeks 02/29/16 05:57:33 None None
837 HeartSeed STEAM_0:0:49421141 Asia-Kouhai アルジェント (STEAM_0:1:51229739) Tease, Ear Rape, Ecchi, Civil Unrest, 1 Week, Log ID's: 1216891, 1216890, 1240275, 1256823, 1266404 02/13/16 19:16:57 1 week 02/20/16 19:16:57 Asia-Kouhai アルジェント (STEAM_0:1:51229739) 02/13/16 19:22:55
836 NoteKupPomTH STEAM_0:0:96352039 salty bird (STEAM_0:1:55852355) Trolling, Gore, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1266201, 1266202, 1266203, 1266204, 1266205, 1266208, 1266214 02/13/16 15:28:56 1 week 02/20/16 15:28:56 None None
835 Jophar Vorin STEAM_0:0:14600881 BraVe (STEAM_0:1:53424207) Harassment, Trolling, Mute Evasion, 5 Weeks 02/13/16 07:24:21 5 weeks 03/19/16 07:24:21 BraVe (STEAM_0:1:53424207) 02/13/16 07:31:40
834 The Son of Sam STEAM_0:1:44581366 salty bird (STEAM_0:1:55852355) Tease, Real Life Death, Permanent, Log IDs: 1264946, 1264943, 1264947 02/13/16 01:27:22 Permanent Never salty bird (STEAM_0:1:55852355) 02/13/16 01:29:24
833 fluffybutt STEAM_0:1:70760748 PandaSage (STEAM_0:1:6221606) Discrimination, Tease, 10 days, Log IDs: 1264622, 1264604, 1264582, 1264636 02/12/16 20:19:48 1 week 02/22/16 20:19:48 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 02/13/16 02:59:59
832 TheDorkLord STEAM_0:1:55046991 WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) Made Donations using stolen Credit Cards (Fraud). Permanent. 02/12/16 16:05:45 Permanent Never WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) 02/12/16 16:09:54
831 DangerousToaster STEAM_0:0:67776939 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Civil Unrest, Ear Rape, Gore, Discrimination, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1076333, 1122307, 1159796, 1159797, 1263009 02/11/16 20:15:59 1 week 02/18/16 20:15:59 None None
830 ll STEAM_0:1:76308085 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Animal Sex, Animal Slaughter, AntiAFK, 16 Days, Log IDs: 1185566, 1257128 02/08/16 01:12:28 2 weeks 02/24/16 01:12:28 None None
829 Mankyman STEAM_0:0:18694706 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Ecchi, Nudity, Civil Unrest, Pornography, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1254530, 1254587, 1254583, 1254458 02/06/16 11:50:27 2 weeks 02/20/16 11:50:27 None None
828 YOUR IN THE SHADOW REALM JIMBO STEAM_0:1:101970361 salty valentine (STEAM_0:1:55852355) Mic Spam, Chat Spam, 3 Days 02/05/16 20:42:56 3 days 02/08/16 20:42:56 None None
827 Tecumseh STEAM_0:0:50481323 Tea (STEAM_0:0:40610366) Disgusting, Disturbing, Ear Rape, 2 Weeks, Log ID: 1251728 02/04/16 23:45:51 2 weeks 02/18/16 23:45:51 Tea (STEAM_0:0:40610366) 02/04/16 23:46:34
826 jon STEAM_0:1:45586871 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Gore, Disturbing, Disgusting, Nudity, Discrimination, Permanent, Log IDs: 1250764, 1250759, 1129709, 1129710, 1129711 02/04/16 04:26:35 Permanent Never patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 02/04/16 04:40:51
825 Evangelion 13 STEAM_0:1:48589726 Kuro Usagi (STEAM_0:1:45517988) Gore, Ecchi, Discrimination, Mic Spam, Trolling, 10 Days, Log IDs: 1192040, 1192051, 1192068, 1192072, 1250235, 1250232, 1250230 02/03/16 22:37:44 1 week 02/13/16 22:37:44 Kuro Usagi (STEAM_0:1:45517988) 02/03/16 22:38:00
824 redandblue3d STEAM_0:1:154379998 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) Loop, Mic Spam, Ecchi, Ear Rape, Tease, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1235280, 1247313, 1248771, 1248782 02/02/16 22:55:17 1 week 02/09/16 22:55:17 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) 02/02/16 23:16:02
823 Insyxx STEAM_0:1:36619986 Kuro Usagi (STEAM_0:1:45517988) Trolling, Tease, Nudity, 10 Days, Log IDs: 1248278, 1248331, 1248342 02/02/16 10:49:52 1 week 02/12/16 10:49:52 None None
822 Futher STEAM_0:1:58761363 Kuro Usagi (STEAM_0:1:45517988) Trolling, Discrimination, 6 Days 01/31/16 04:51:13 6 days 02/06/16 04:51:13 None None
821 STEAM_0:0:144384234 (Console) [Alt: STEAM_0:1:7560365] [Alt: STEAM_0:0:14680824] Disturbing, Harassment, Trolling, Spoiling, Tease, 9 Days, Log IDs: 1238155, 1239852, 1243282, 1243274 01/30/16 10:30:08 1 week 02/08/16 09:16:14 None None
820 DR.ßôb STEAM_0:1:7560365 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) [Alt: STEAM_0:0:14680824] Disturbing, Harassment, Trolling, Spoiling, Tease, 9 Days, Log IDs: 1238155, 1239852, 1243282, 1243274 01/30/16 09:16:14 1 week 02/08/16 09:16:14 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 01/30/16 14:33:48
819 MLGeno The PoonHunter69 STEAM_0:0:14680824 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Disturbing, Harassment, Trolling, Spoiling, Tease, 9 Days, Log IDs: 1238155, 1239852, 1243282, 1243274 01/30/16 08:56:59 1 week 02/08/16 08:56:59 None None
818 STEAM_0:1:159933755 (Console) [Alt: STEAM_0:0:55133562] Escalated to perma, reason: bringing alterante account, illoominatey into server. permabanned. 01/30/16 01:49:21 Permanent Never None None
817 STEAM_0:0:159917302 (Console) [Alt: STEAM_0:0:55133562] Escalated to perma, reason: bringing alterante account, illoominatey into server. permabanned. 01/30/16 01:29:02 Permanent Never None None
816 RipleyDude STEAM_0:1:155902467 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Disturbing, Permanent, Log ID: 1239576 01/28/16 06:18:44 Permanent Never patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 01/28/16 06:19:15
815 ECH! STEAM_0:0:64353264 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Mic Spam, Discrimination, 5 Days 01/28/16 04:10:49 5 days 02/02/16 04:10:49 None None
814 Buzzy STEAM_0:1:39301505 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) Tease, Skip Raiding, Disgusting, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1237156, 1237164, 1239160 01/28/16 01:52:10 1 week 02/04/16 01:52:10 None None
813 PRAISE ALLAH STEAM_0:1:51084978 salty bird (STEAM_0:1:55852355) Chat Spam, Discrimination, 1 Week 01/27/16 00:52:27 1 week 02/03/16 00:52:27 None None
812 Okienaku STEAM_0:1:48900933 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Mic Spam, 3 Days 01/26/16 20:52:22 3 days 01/29/16 20:52:22 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 01/26/16 20:54:36
811 Steeler (Jay Leno's Chin) STEAM_0:1:68737718 WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) Abusing Mod Powers. Permanent. 01/25/16 15:26:38 Permanent Never WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) 01/25/16 15:27:12