This information is historical and OUT OF DATE. It doesn't reflect the current state of the server.
If you want to see the most current information, visit the New Server Overwatch.
ID | Username | Steam ID | Admin | Reason | Time of Ban | Length of Ban | Unban Time | Modified Admin | Time When Modified |
1144 | -pg- Franklen | STEAM_0:1:43268566 | Noire(STEAM_0:1:45198493) | Ear Rape, Discrimination, Civil Unrest, Animal Slaughter, 3 Months, Log IDs: 1588677, 1588681, 1588690, 1588699 | 08/29/16 07:54:10 | 12 weeks | 11/21/16 07:54:10 | Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) | 08/29/16 08:04:50 |
1143 | Okienaku | STEAM_0:1:48900933 | Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) | Mic Spam, Hentai, 9 Days, Log ID: 1524504 | 08/28/16 04:22:55 | 1 week | 09/06/16 04:22:55 | None | None |
1142 | dirkisinmymouth | STEAM_0:1:55541624 | Zep(STEAM_0:1:59727297) | Ear Rape, Discrimination, 2 weeks, 1586229, 1586285, 1586277 | 08/28/16 00:18:20 | 2 weeks | 09/11/16 00:18:20 | Zep (STEAM_0:1:59727297) | 08/28/16 00:19:18 |
1141 | T.w² | Xilence | STEAM_0:1:54888983 | patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) | Pornography, 3 Weeks, Log IDs: 1584752, 1584751, 1584593 | 08/27/16 01:08:50 | 3 weeks | 09/17/16 01:08:50 | patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) | 08/27/16 01:10:25 |
1140 | Only | STEAM_0:1:83489813 | patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) | Ear Rape, Pornography, Skip Raid, 7 Days, Log IDs: 1545087, 1548067, 1578532 | 08/21/16 23:04:15 | 1 week | 08/28/16 23:04:15 | None | None |
1139 | Lotos | STEAM_0:1:12010849 | Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) | Disturbing, Civil Unrest, 10 Days, Log IDs: 1502864, 1519776, 1519777, 1519786, 1576080 | 08/20/16 07:45:58 | 1 week | 08/30/16 07:45:58 | None | None |
1138 | TheDillio | STEAM_0:1:64440921 | Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) | Hentai, Pornography, Trolling, 4 Weeks, Log ID:1572249, 1574787, 1574805 | 08/19/16 10:31:40 | 4 weeks | 09/16/16 10:31:40 | None | None |
1137 | HandsomeYoungGentleman | STEAM_0:0:39494235 | Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) | Discrimination, Trolling, 2 Weeks | 08/18/16 06:09:12 | 2 weeks | 09/01/16 06:09:12 | None | None |
1136 | MudkipWaffles | STEAM_0:0:141903595 | patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) | Skip Raid, Loop, 6 Days, Log IDs: 1571121, 1571116, 1571113 | 08/17/16 03:25:57 | 6 days | 08/23/16 03:25:57 | patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) | 08/17/16 03:34:57 |
1135 | Lemmy | STEAM_0:1:59257001 | Krystal(STEAM_0:0:133632156) | Animal Slaughter, Permanent, Log ID:1570660 | 08/16/16 22:36:43 | Permanent | Never | Krystal (STEAM_0:0:133632156) | 08/16/16 22:42:45 |
1134 | Aesthetic | STEAM_0:1:117278937 | Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) | Ear Rape, Discrimination, Mic Spam, Civil Unrest, Tease, 6 Weeks, Log IDs: 1490427, 1490428, 1490429, 1490432, 1490433, 1498119, 1498121, 1498122, 1498123, 1498124, 1498125, 1498126, 1498127, 1498128, 1498129, 1498130, 1498131 | 08/14/16 05:01:02 | 6 weeks | 09/25/16 05:01:02 | Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) | 08/14/16 05:02:47 |
1133 | adam | STEAM_0:0:87345710 | Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) | Discrimination, Trolling, Mic Spam, Chat Spam, 3 Weeks | 08/14/16 04:28:59 | 3 weeks | 09/04/16 04:28:59 | Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) | 08/14/16 04:34:14 |
1132 | Lieutenant Murica!!! | STEAM_0:0:23698592 | patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) | Discrimination, Mic Spam, 10 Days | 08/13/16 21:04:15 | 1 week | 08/23/16 21:04:15 | patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) | 08/13/16 21:05:53 |
1131 | apple pie | STEAM_0:1:41857354 | Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) | Skip Raiding, Harassment, Trolling, Mic Spam, 8 Weeks | 08/13/16 03:52:44 | 8 weeks | 10/08/16 03:52:44 | None | None |
1130 | Hjörþrimul Champion of Carnag | STEAM_0:1:97434872 | Pandasage(STEAM_0:1:6221606) | Real Life Death, Disturbing, Permanent, Log IDs: 1563289, 1563296, 1563309, 1563313, 1563317 | 08/12/16 15:25:20 | Permanent | Never | patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) | 08/12/16 18:59:51 |
1129 | Creepernite | STEAM_0:0:89241934 | Half(STEAM_0:1:38325118) | Discrimination, Hentai, Trolling, Pornography, 6 Weeks, Log IDs:1562682, 1562698, 1562724 | 08/12/16 05:02:44 | 6 weeks | 09/23/16 05:02:44 | Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) | 08/12/16 07:23:04 |
1128 | Meme Machine | STEAM_0:0:89487775 | Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) | Discrimination, Mic Spam, Trolling, 2 Weeks | 08/11/16 09:14:47 | 2 weeks | 08/25/16 09:14:47 | None | None |
1127 | Randy Mcnuggets | STEAM_0:1:164347762 | Noire(STEAM_0:1:45198493) | Disgusting, Discrimination, Hentai, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1491565, 1558231, 1558233, 1558237 | 08/11/16 09:01:21 | 2 weeks | 08/25/16 09:01:21 | Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) | 08/11/16 09:01:52 |
1126 | Solo Jynx | STEAM_0:0:179129637 | Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) | Disgusting, Trolling, Discrimination, 3 Weeks, Log IDs:1561154, 1561182 | 08/11/16 04:56:09 | 3 weeks | 09/01/16 04:56:09 | None | None |
1125 | Canadian Bacon | STEAM_0:1:55691153 | PMONickpop123 (STEAM_0:1:41868002) | Tease, Civil Unrest, Permanent, Log IDs: 1560686, 1560689, 1560723, 1560754, 1560777 | 08/11/16 02:04:07 | Permanent | Never | None | None |
1124 | wooah | STEAM_0:1:77791524 | patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) | Hentai, Discrimination, 9 Days, Log IDs: 1560005, 1560020 | 08/10/16 09:45:45 | 1 week | 08/19/16 09:45:45 | None | None |
1123 | Hyper-V Gaming | STEAM_0:1:181779236 | patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) | [Alt: STEAM_0:1:75433674] EnderNator10. | 08/09/16 22:05:33 | Permanent | Never | None | None |
1122 | crayolaman | STEAM_0:1:38717986 | patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) | Trolling, Discrimination, Pornography, 10 Days, Log ID: 1558252 | 08/09/16 05:01:07 | 1 week | 08/19/16 05:01:07 | None | None |
1121 | Jacket | STEAM_0:1:56425916 | PRO15699(STEAM_0:1:65720881) | Discrimination, Ear Rape, Tease, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1557313, 1557317, 1557332, 1557343, 1557351 | 08/08/16 19:14:51 | 1 week | 08/15/16 19:14:51 | PRO15699 (STEAM_0:1:65720881) | 08/08/16 19:18:00 |
1120 | Mayonaisa | STEAM_0:0:50520541 | PMONickpop123(STEAM_0:1:41868002) | Ear Rape, Mic Spam, Trolling, 5 Days, Log ID: 1551555 | 08/07/16 05:32:21 | 5 days | 08/12/16 05:32:21 | PMONickpop123 (STEAM_0:1:41868002) | 08/07/16 05:47:54 |
1119 | STEAM_0:1:52044355 | (Console) | [Alt: STEAM_0:1:95004504] Causing Drama, Trolling, Harassment, etc. Permanent. | 08/06/16 22:55:12 | Permanent | Never | patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) | 08/06/16 22:57:25 | |
1118 | STEAM_0:1:41692375 | (Console) | [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:1:63407631] CBCJL DDoSing, Doxxing, Harassment, etc. Permanent. | 08/05/16 22:48:32 | Permanent | Never | None | None | |
1117 | AutisticWaffle | STEAM_0:0:49280525 | Hugbeez(STEAM_0:1:82476124) | Pornography, Ear Rape, 1 Week, Log ID: 1552001 | 08/05/16 09:55:43 | 1 week | 08/12/16 09:55:43 | Hugbeez (STEAM_0:1:82476124) | 08/05/16 09:56:36 |
1116 | Mia's my wifey | STEAM_0:1:169941613 | Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) | Discrimination, Mic Spam, Ear Rape, Tease, Trolling, Harassment, 1 Month, Log IDs: 1521181, 1550030 | 08/04/16 05:38:37 | 4 weeks | 09/01/16 05:38:37 | None | None |
1115 | Vintage Yams | STEAM_0:1:21711881 | Hugbeez (STEAM_0:1:82476124) | Trolling, Skip Raiding, Harrassment, 5 Days | 08/04/16 05:32:26 | 5 days | 08/09/16 05:32:26 | None | None |