ID Username Steam ID Admin Reason Time of Ban Length of Ban Unban Time Modified Admin Time When Modified
1174 =VOC= 6iX STEAM_0:0:40647971 Tea(STEAM_0:0:40610366) Civil Unrest, Disturbing, Discrimination, Ear Rape, Tease, 5 Weeks, Log IDs: 1625842, 1625839, 1625833, 1625853 09/23/16 12:03:32 5 weeks 10/28/16 12:03:32 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 09/23/16 16:07:29
1173 Winrar STEAM_0:0:38082555 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) [Alt: STEAM_0:1:18795238] Trolling, Civil Unrest, 2 Weeks, Log ID: 1625419 09/23/16 05:16:40 2 weeks 10/07/16 05:16:40 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 09/23/16 16:06:53
1172 Holocaust was a hoax STEAM_0:1:18795238 McMoofin ⑨(STEAM_0:1:41859627) Trolling, Civil Unrest, 2 Weeks, Log ID: 1625419 09/23/16 05:14:21 2 weeks 10/07/16 05:14:21 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 09/23/16 05:20:24
1171 frostywolf1992 STEAM_0:1:184914764 McMoofin ⑨ (STEAM_0:1:41859627) Trolling, Civil Unrest, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 12323, 1231231 09/23/16 05:11:56 2 weeks 10/07/16 05:11:56 None None
1169 I have osteoporosis STEAM_0:0:184545324 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:1:79441283] Civil Unrest, Discrimination, Trolling, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1620031, 1621503, 1621509, 1621510 09/20/16 14:35:44 1 week 10/04/16 14:33:36 None None
1170 ElFaggeto STEAM_0:1:79441283 (Console) [Child Alt: STEAM_0:0:184545324] Civil Unrest, Discrimination, Trolling, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1620031, 1621503, 1621509, 1621510 09/20/16 14:35:44 1 week 10/04/16 14:33:36 None None
1168 Retz STEAM_0:1:105449977 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) Civil Unrest, Discrimination, Trolling, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1620031, 1621503, 1621509, 1621510 09/20/16 14:33:36 2 weeks 10/04/16 14:33:36 None None
1167 Scoobert Doobert STEAM_0:0:44830718 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) Civil Unrest, Trolling, Disturbing, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1621569, 1621565 09/20/16 14:25:21 2 weeks 10/04/16 14:25:21 None None
1166 Carl STEAM_0:0:55049550 Noire(STEAM_0:1:45198493) Hentai, Pornography, Trolling, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1620555, 1620551, 1620549 09/20/16 00:26:41 2 weeks 10/04/16 00:26:41 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 09/20/16 02:54:40
1165 NO_NICK STEAM_0:1:52880290 Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) Chat Spam, Mic Spam, Trolling, Skip Raiding, 10 Days 09/19/16 19:23:00 1 week 09/29/16 19:23:00 None None
1164 rip cocodomato----- STEAM_0:1:42915057 Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) Chat Spam, Mic Spam, Trolling, Skip Raiding, 10 Days 09/19/16 19:22:38 1 week 09/29/16 19:22:38 None None
1163 More than two genders STEAM_0:1:129842801 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Disturbing, Nudity, 2 Weeks, Log ID: 1614632 09/16/16 01:52:30 2 weeks 09/30/16 01:52:30 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 09/16/16 01:52:59
1162 The Decoy JJ STEAM_0:0:13544605 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Harassment, 2 Weeks 09/14/16 09:00:55 2 weeks 09/28/16 09:00:55 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 09/16/16 01:08:03
1161 Kashima Is Best Shipfu STEAM_0:0:62317426 Noire(STEAM_0:1:45198493) Animal Slaughter, Disgusting, 1 Month, Log IDs: 1534734, 1610151 09/12/16 14:26:47 4 weeks 10/10/16 14:26:47 Noire (STEAM_0:1:45198493) 09/12/16 14:30:33
1160 ϟϟ Breivik STEAM_0:0:26143853 Half(STEAM_0:1:38325118) Gore, Ear Rape, Discrimination, Trolling, Civil Unrest, 17 Days, Log IDs:1609132, 1609193, 1609208, 1607437 09/11/16 23:35:47 2 weeks 09/28/16 23:35:47 Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) 09/11/16 23:38:20
1159 cybersoul21 STEAM_0:0:171331220 Zep(STEAM_0:1:59727297) Hentai, Trolling, Animal Sex, Pornography, Tease, 7 days, Log IDs: 1607624,1607532, 1607580, 1607609 09/11/16 02:43:54 1 week 09/18/16 02:43:54 Zep (STEAM_0:1:59727297) 09/11/16 02:46:36
1158 Dj Whore STEAM_0:1:185706527 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) [Alt: STEAM_0:1:75433674] EnderNator10. 09/10/16 12:58:32 Permanent Never patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 09/10/16 12:59:36
1157 chumm STEAM_0:1:46511926 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Disgusting, Animal Sex, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1603112, 1603093, 1603108, 1603109 09/08/16 00:31:10 2 weeks 09/22/16 00:31:10 None None
1156 Xindyr STEAM_0:1:42184325 Hugbeez(STEAM_0:1:82476124) Tease, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1602366, 1602403, 1602426 09/07/16 06:29:20 1 week 09/14/16 06:29:20 Hugbeez (STEAM_0:1:82476124) 09/07/16 06:30:13
1155 Coltara STEAM_0:1:66775757 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Real Life Death, Permanent, Log ID: 1596299 09/03/16 07:14:54 Permanent Never None None
1154 Doug McNugget STEAM_0:0:149717540 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Discrimination, Nudity, Tease, 9 Days, Log IDs: 1594249, 1594277, 1594279, 1594298 09/02/16 06:30:20 1 week 09/11/16 06:30:20 None None
1153 Twinky STEAM_0:1:81729147 ✩Pandasage™(STEAM_0:1:6221606) Anti-AFK, Civil Unrest, Tease, Disturbing, 7 Days, Log IDs:1587128, 1587114, 1571563 09/02/16 01:33:11 1 week 09/09/16 01:33:11 Pandasage™ (STEAM_0:1:6221606) 09/03/16 19:27:58
1152 4Head STEAM_0:1:73883683 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Mic Spam, Ear Rape, Discrimination, 10 Days, Log IDs: 1592662, 1592651, 1592673, 1592675, 1592686 09/01/16 08:22:25 1 week 09/11/16 08:22:25 None None
1151 Sibel STEAM_0:1:102630989 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Mic Spam, Ear Rape, Gore, 6 Days, Log IDs: 1552391, 1552394, 1591732 08/31/16 20:53:16 6 days 09/06/16 20:53:16 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 08/31/16 20:53:32
1150 ChubbyMonkey STEAM_0:1:83168699 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Animal Slaughter, Disturbing, 2 Months, Log ID: 1591690 08/31/16 20:48:49 8 weeks 10/26/16 20:48:49 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 08/31/16 22:06:47
1149 [Rainbow]Swerg Zilleh_ STEAM_0:1:82114036 Zep(STEAM_0:1:59727297) Loop, Discrimination, Mic Spam, Chat Spam, 1 week, Log ID: 1590869 08/31/16 02:35:26 1 week 09/07/16 02:35:26 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 08/31/16 02:45:36
1148 ϟϟ♫DJ_Eletrik542♫ϟϟ STEAM_0:0:87963575 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Pornography, Nudity, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1590864, 1590842 08/31/16 01:43:05 2 weeks 09/14/16 01:43:05 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 08/31/16 01:49:05
1147 0sk STEAM_0:1:2738577 Noire(STEAM_0:1:45198493) Nudity, Discrimination, Civil Unrest, Real Life Death, Permanent, Log IDs: 1590243, 1590247, 1590269, 1590268, 1590271 08/30/16 10:03:10 Permanent Never patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 08/31/16 20:59:30
1146 GRANDPA PUNDIRAMEN STEAM_0:0:41991816 Half(STEAM_0:1:38325118) Ear Rape, Discrimination, Trolling, 24 Days, Log IDs:1590261, 1590263,,1590240, 1590249, 1590266, 1590236 08/30/16 10:01:01 3 weeks 09/23/16 10:01:01 Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) 08/30/16 10:20:27
1145 Evan LeFlavor (God) STEAM_0:1:39219773 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Real Life Death, Disturbing, Nudity, Permanenet, Log IDs: 1588742, 1588741, 1588727, 1588725 08/29/16 08:35:39 Permanent Never patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 08/29/16 08:36:22