Moderation Log Moderation Log Moderation Log

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ID Type Log Time Player Orig. Admin Modif. Admin Reason Warning Ack'd. Ban Expire Time
2297 KICK 1641972188 GreyOldDung
CONSOLE N/A [SolAntiCheat] 2 triggers: DLL.Bad, DLL.Unexpected | Top Desc: Bad DLL detected | Must remove DLL to join (gmcl_bsendpacket_win32.dll, gmcl_dickwrap_win32.dll) N/A N/A
2296 KICK 1641972141 GreyOldDung
CONSOLE N/A [SolAntiCheat] 2 triggers: DLL.Bad, DLL.Unexpected | Top Desc: Bad DLL detected | Must remove DLL to join (gmcl_bsendpacket_win32.dll, gmcl_dickwrap_win32.dll) N/A N/A