Log ID |
3651 |
Request Time |
1630119998 |
Service |
solstream |
Data |
winter |
Title |
Solstream: WinterPhoenix - Movie Night |
Duration (H:M:S) |
Live |
Thumbnail |
Requester |
WinterPhoenix |
Location Name |
Main Theater |
Location Owner |
No Owner |
Start Playing Time |
1630120148 |
End Playing Time |
1630129685 |
Time Spent Playing (H:M:S, Incl. Paused Time) |
02:38:57 |
Early Removal Reason |
Force Skip @ 2:38:56 by WinterPhoenix (STEAM_0:0:39101323) |
Players Present at Early Removal |
A Tree, katzwith2legs, Buddy Bot, Soshrii, xXPlinfaXx, Sins of the Frogger, Yoha, Killerbeez, Skips, gwav1ty, Christmas Yeeyee, WinterPhoenix, Lilly, SleepyStealthy, Ziziio |