ID Username Steam ID Admin Reason Time of Ban Length of Ban Unban Time Modified Admin Time When Modified
2108 music denny STEAM_0:1:104840350 Kuro Usagi(STEAM_0:1:45517988) Loop, Evasion, 2 Days, Log IDs: 2807942 02/02/20 07:07:44 2 days 02/04/20 07:07:44 Kuro Usagi (STEAM_0:1:45517988) 02/02/20 07:08:02
2107 jeremybouchard11 STEAM_0:1:209970985 Kuro Usagi(STEAM_0:1:45517988) Tease, Evasion, 3 Days, Log IDs: 2179893, 2807173 02/01/20 19:53:46 3 days 02/04/20 19:53:46 Kuro Usagi (STEAM_0:1:45517988) 02/01/20 19:53:53
2106 durc STEAM_0:0:48875438 Kuro Usagi(STEAM_0:1:45517988) Trolling, Pornography, Disgusting, 14 Days, Log IDs: 2806657, 2806654, 2806653 02/01/20 12:38:06 2 weeks 02/15/20 12:38:06 Kuro Usagi (STEAM_0:1:45517988) 02/01/20 12:38:17
2105 ShirtSon STEAM_0:1:33184903 Kuro Usagi (STEAM_0:1:45517988) Mic Spam, Trolling, Harassment, 4 Days 01/30/20 07:50:55 4 days 02/03/20 07:50:55 None None
2104 Zee STEAM_0:1:28645217 Ziziio (STEAM_0:0:61915386) Mic Spam, Punishment Evasion, 4 days 01/29/20 22:14:54 4 days 02/02/20 22:14:54 None None
2103 Santa™ STEAM_0:0:51312407 Ziziio(STEAM_0:0:61915386) Excessive Discrimination, Punishment Evasion, 1 Week 01/28/20 01:49:34 1 week 02/04/20 01:49:34 Ziziio (STEAM_0:0:61915386) 01/28/20 01:52:07
2102 Nick Gurr STEAM_0:0:35672324 Ziziio (STEAM_0:0:61915386) Nudity, Ear Rape, Discrimination, 9 Days, Log IDs: 2799022, 2799032, 2799065 01/28/20 01:47:56 1 week 02/06/20 01:47:56 None None
2101 Re-B00T STEAM_0:0:164637515 Kuro Usagi (STEAM_0:1:45517988) Skip Raiding, Trolling, Discrimination, Adult Humor, 6 Days, Log IDs: 2797773, 2797805, 2797801, 2797793 01/27/20 09:13:55 6 days 02/02/20 09:13:55 None None
2100 STEAM_0:0:63672214 (Console) [Child Alt: STEAM_0:1:202510034] Ear Rape, Trolling, Disgusting, Animal Slaughter, Skip Raiding, 19 Days, Log IDs: 2791739, 2787050, 2787172 01/24/20 15:20:53 2 weeks 02/11/20 17:07:31 None None
2099 メリオダス STEAM_0:1:202510034 Ziziio (STEAM_0:0:61915386) Ear Rape, Trolling, Disgusting, Animal Slaughter, Skip Raiding, 19 Days, Log IDs: 2791739, 2787050, 2787172 01/23/20 17:07:31 2 weeks 02/11/20 17:07:31 None None
2098 STEAM_0:1:228564896 (Console) [Alt: STEAM_0:0:48498347] Disgusting, Pornography, Nudity, Tease, Disturbing, Ear Rape, Real Life Death, Permanent, Log IDs: 2789880, 2789878, 2789877, 2789863, 2789857, 2789850, 2789843, 2789828, 2789810, 2789866 01/23/20 09:29:28 Permanent Never None None
2097 sarge STEAM_0:0:48498347 pantera(STEAM_0:1:151808551) Disgusting, Pornography, Nudity, Tease, Disturbing, Ear Rape, Real Life Death, Permanent, Log IDs: 2789880, 2789878, 2789877, 2789863, 2789857, 2789850, 2789843, 2789828, 2789810, 2789866 01/22/20 13:50:44 Permanent Never pantera (STEAM_0:1:151808551) 01/22/20 13:52:20
2096 traviscx4 STEAM_0:1:66308426 Ziziio(STEAM_0:0:61915386) Trolling, Adult Humor, Pornography, Animal Slaughter, Perma, Log IDs: 2785831, 2785826, 2785824, 2785790 01/20/20 06:49:02 Permanent Never Ziziio (STEAM_0:0:61915386) 01/20/20 07:05:46
2095 Vanilla STEAM_0:0:56159021 Ziziio (STEAM_0:0:61915386) Chat Spam, Mic Spam, Ear Rape, Gore, 6 Days, Log IDs: 2782813, 2783151 01/20/20 02:32:25 6 days 01/26/20 02:32:25 None None
2094 Ooga Booga STEAM_0:1:206243681 Ziziio(STEAM_0:0:61915386) Trolling, Discrimination, Excessive Ear Rape, 1 Week, Log IDs: 2783571, 2783673, 2783722 01/19/20 05:42:25 1 week 01/26/20 05:42:25 Ziziio (STEAM_0:0:61915386) 01/19/20 15:46:34
2093 Tobberoinen STEAM_0:0:193803701 Ziziio (STEAM_0:0:61915386) Trolling, Skip Raiding, Ear Rape, 5 Days, Log ID: 2778483 01/15/20 19:44:15 5 days 01/20/20 19:44:15 None None
2092 メリオダス STEAM_0:1:202510034 Ziziio (STEAM_0:0:61915386) Disgusting, Trolling, Skip Raiding, 5 Days, Log ID: 2778513 01/15/20 19:42:51 5 days 01/20/20 19:42:51 None None
2091 zero deaths STEAM_0:0:81414689 Catlein(STEAM_0:1:87979766) Adult Humor, Ear Rape, Disturbing, Tease Permanent. Log IDs:2776015,2776023, 2776155, 2776161, 2776192, 2776219, 2776229, 2776241, 2776279, 2776286, 2777064, 2777070, 2777067, 2777066, 2777071, 2777061, 2777080, 2777081, 2777082, 2777095 01/14/20 18:59:51 Permanent Never Catlein (STEAM_0:1:87979766) 01/14/20 19:01:17
2090 ilm9001 STEAM_0:1:56399480 Ziziio (STEAM_0:0:61915386) Excessive Trolling, Chat Spam, Harrassment, 1 Week 01/12/20 00:15:13 1 week 01/19/20 00:15:13 None None
2089 EBgamesEvan45 STEAM_0:0:61300191 Ziziio(STEAM_0:0:61915386) Ear Rape, Punishment Evasion, Multiple Past Offenses, 8 Days, Log IDs: 2770349, 2770351, 2270854, 2270894, 2270939 01/09/20 06:27:43 1 week 01/17/20 06:27:43 Ziziio (STEAM_0:0:61915386) 01/09/20 06:31:52
2088 Bongo Drums STEAM_0:0:430647374 DoctorHue (STEAM_0:0:74322833) Discrimination, Ear Rape, Loop, 1 Week. Log IDs: 2767070, 2767103, 2767064, 2767120, 2767198 01/06/20 16:32:23 1 week 01/13/20 16:32:23 None None
2087 greenman_2 STEAM_0:1:426139383 Spamsnare (STEAM_0:1:422031620) Mic Spam, 3 Days 01/05/20 21:40:38 3 days 01/08/20 21:40:38 None None
2086 TimeToDie STEAM_0:1:244461514 Ziziio (STEAM_0:0:61915386) Mic Spam, Ear Rape, 3 Days, Log IDs: 2764819, 2764831, 2764843 01/05/20 00:05:30 3 days 01/08/20 00:05:30 None None
2085 Homester STEAM_0:0:246297146 Weiss Schnee(STEAM_0:0:39334457) Discrimination, Mic Spam, Trolling, 3 days 12/31/19 09:58:38 3 days 01/03/20 09:58:38 Weiss Schnee (STEAM_0:0:39334457) 12/31/19 09:58:58
2084 Tommy Lips STEAM_0:0:138698268 Weiss Schnee(STEAM_0:0:39334457) Disgusting, Ear Rape, Trolling, 1 week, Log IDs: 2757412, 2757411, 2757410, 2757417 12/31/19 09:49:22 1 week 01/07/20 09:49:22 Weiss Schnee (STEAM_0:0:39334457) 12/31/19 09:49:52
2083 Reginald Lewis STEAM_0:1:78026844 Weiss Schnee(STEAM_0:0:39334457) Discrimination, Mic Spam, 1 Week 12/30/19 08:47:32 1 week 01/06/20 08:47:32 Weiss Schnee (STEAM_0:0:39334457) 12/30/19 08:48:16
2082 Melvin Smith STEAM_0:0:82074638 Weiss Schnee(STEAM_0:0:39334457) Discrimination, Mic Spam, 1 Week 12/30/19 08:47:20 1 week 01/06/20 08:47:20 Weiss Schnee (STEAM_0:0:39334457) 12/30/19 08:48:30
2081 Bob Bretl STEAM_0:1:54904071 Weiss Schnee(STEAM_0:0:39334457) Discrimination, Mic Spam, 1 Week 12/30/19 08:47:09 1 week 01/06/20 08:47:09 Weiss Schnee (STEAM_0:0:39334457) 12/30/19 08:48:46
2080 Steve Gouldman STEAM_0:0:73397411 Weiss Schnee(STEAM_0:0:39334457) Discrimination, Mic Spam, 1 Week 12/30/19 08:46:54 1 week 01/06/20 08:46:54 Weiss Schnee (STEAM_0:0:39334457) 12/30/19 08:48:56
2079 Gary Philbin STEAM_0:1:79637323 Weiss Schnee(STEAM_0:0:39334457) Discrimination, Tease, Micspam, 1 Week, Log ID: 2755290 12/30/19 08:36:15 1 week 01/06/20 08:36:15 Weiss Schnee (STEAM_0:0:39334457) 12/30/19 08:46:04