ID Username Steam ID Admin Reason Time of Ban Length of Ban Unban Time Modified Admin Time When Modified
1264 STEAM_0:0:94567194 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:1:47277972] Pornography, Nudity, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1744776, 1744792 12/27/16 00:51:46 6 days 01/03/17 00:39:31 None None
1263 Anão Rabudo STEAM_0:1:47277972 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Pornography, Nudity, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1744776, 1744792 12/27/16 00:39:31 1 week 01/03/17 00:39:31 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 12/27/16 00:40:08
1262 JCSgamingOriginal2082 STEAM_0:0:146198635 Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) Ear Rape, Trolling, Log IDs:1744549, 1744553, 1744563 12/26/16 19:33:35 6 days 01/01/17 19:33:35 None None
1261 rip dota STEAM_0:0:42732238 QP(STEAM_0:1:44019381) Ear Rape, Hentai, Civil Unrest, Discrimination, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1678935, 1702488, 1721597, 1744343 12/26/16 16:56:41 2 weeks 01/09/17 16:56:41 QP (STEAM_0:1:44019381) 12/26/16 16:56:52
1260 rip dota STEAM_0:1:64964360 QP(STEAM_0:1:44019381) Ear Rape, Hentai, Civil Unrest, Discrimination, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1678935, 1702488, 1721597, 1744343 12/26/16 09:13:36 2 weeks 01/09/17 09:13:36 QP (STEAM_0:1:44019381) 12/26/16 09:14:24
1259 Danlore STEAM_0:0:20026021 SanTea Claus (STEAM_0:0:40610366) Pornography, Nudity, Tease, Ear Rape, 2 weeks, Log IDs: 1743866, 1743868, 1743884, 1743897, 1743921 12/26/16 04:07:08 2 weeks 01/09/17 04:07:08 None None
1258 PrUdO STEAM_0:0:49928900 Half(STEAM_0:1:38325118) Hentai, 10 Days, Log IDs: 1741767, 1741786 12/24/16 04:28:17 1 week 01/03/17 04:28:17 Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) 12/24/16 04:29:00
1257 Avo STEAM_0:1:60325286 QP (STEAM_0:1:44019381) Discrimination, 3 Days 12/23/16 08:55:40 3 days 12/26/16 08:55:40 None None
1256 Guini STEAM_0:1:77451195 QP (STEAM_0:1:44019381) Discrimination, 3 Days 12/23/16 08:55:15 3 days 12/26/16 08:55:15 None None
1255 Джессика 建立 STEAM_0:0:30877679 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Chat Spam, 3 Days 12/23/16 01:52:40 3 days 12/26/16 01:52:40 None None
1254 BigTriangle STEAM_0:1:68712891 QP (STEAM_0:1:44019381) Trolling, Discrimination, Harassment, 1 week 12/22/16 06:32:57 1 week 12/29/16 06:32:57 None None
1253 Ebenezer Scoob STEAM_0:1:41537471 QP (STEAM_0:1:44019381) Trolling, Discrimination, Harassment, 1 week 12/22/16 06:31:13 1 week 12/29/16 06:31:13 None None
1252 STEAM_0:0:156063357 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:1:70584756] Trolling, Mic Spam, Harassment, Tease, 3 Weeks, Log IDs: 1739383 12/21/16 22:42:37 2 weeks 01/11/17 22:38:37 Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) 12/22/16 00:41:00
1251 Turkish succ STEAM_0:1:70584756 Zerac(STEAM_0:1:32776421) Trolling, Mic Spam, Harassment, Tease, 3 Weeks, Log IDs: 1739383 12/21/16 22:38:28 3 weeks 01/11/17 22:38:28 Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) 12/22/16 00:40:36
1250 King Twinkee STEAM_0:0:81615999 QP(STEAM_0:1:44019381) Real Life Death, Permanent, Log ID: 1738739 12/21/16 08:44:25 Permanent Never QP (STEAM_0:1:44019381) 12/21/16 08:44:58
1249 Kuffesat STEAM_0:1:45282527 Zerac (STEAM_0:1:32776421) Real Life Death, Permanent, Log ID: 1736334 12/18/16 20:41:31 Permanent Never None None
1248 HaMyDoWnS STEAM_0:1:125114936 mistletoenikes(STEAM_0:0:83195294) Real Life Death, Nudity, Discrimination, Adult Humor, Permanent, Log IDs: 1735691, 1735711, 1735728 12/18/16 08:26:34 Permanent Never mistletoenikes (STEAM_0:0:83195294) 12/18/16 08:30:33
1247 Sorun STEAM_0:0:19444332 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Disturbing, Civil Unrest, Anti-AFK, 10 Days, Log ID: 1725709 12/12/16 06:50:48 1 week 12/22/16 06:50:48 None None
1246 Eroge Goonie STEAM_0:0:39479908 Spoopybeez(STEAM_0:1:82476124) Ear Rape, 3 Days, Log IDs: 1726141, 1726162, 1726201 12/11/16 09:16:40 3 days 12/14/16 09:16:40 Spoopybeez (STEAM_0:1:82476124) 12/11/16 09:25:21
1245 Spaceballs STEAM_0:1:77924103 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) Real Life Death, Permanent, Log ID: 1723743 12/10/16 05:51:50 Permanent Never None None
1244 TheLegend27 STEAM_0:1:27979542 patanima(STEAM_0:1:101369160) Pornography, 1 Week, Log ID: 1721871 12/09/16 06:48:28 1 week 12/16/16 06:48:28 patanima (STEAM_0:1:101369160) 12/09/16 06:50:02
1243 Chruppek STEAM_0:1:47441483 Half(STEAM_0:1:38325118) Ear Rape, Disturbing, Civil Unrest, Real Life Death, Permanent, Log IDs:1720653, 1720672, 1720811, 1720793 12/08/16 20:23:13 Permanent Never Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) 12/08/16 20:29:10
1242 STEAM_0:0:192576592 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:1:50856956] Tease, Discrimination, Repeat Offender, Permanent, Log ID: 1714772 12/08/16 03:50:12 Permanent Never None None
1241 OneToneBone™ STEAM_0:1:50856956 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Tease, Discrimination, Repeat Offender, Permanent, Log ID: 1714772 12/06/16 14:45:10 Permanent Never Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 12/06/16 15:02:07
1240 Akane STEAM_0:0:48348037 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Discrimination, Disgusting, Tease, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1714589, 1714553, 1714524 12/05/16 06:27:47 1 week 12/12/16 06:27:47 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 12/05/16 06:28:05
1239 DogePerson STEAM_0:0:120200787 Half(STEAM_0:1:38325118) Ear Rape, Loop, Discrimination, Harassment, Trolling, 3 Weeks, Log IDs:1712656, 1712657, 1712660,1712687, 1712691, 1714539, 1714541, 1714528 12/05/16 05:06:50 3 weeks 12/26/16 05:06:50 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 12/05/16 06:22:37
1238 =RG= 6iX STEAM_0:0:40647971 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Disgusting, Tease, Ear Rape, Nudity, 5 Weeks, Log IDs: 1702057, 1702071, 1711898, 1711927, 1711930 12/04/16 00:27:47 5 weeks 01/08/17 00:27:47 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 12/04/16 00:32:15
1237 Sp00der |Ag STEAM_0:0:96839054 ReconZer0 (STEAM_0:1:70627681) Tease, Ear Rape, 1 Week, Log IDs: 1704450, 1704471, 1711584, 1711757 12/03/16 19:44:19 1 week 12/10/16 19:44:19 None None
1236 Erwin Rommel 7e Panzerdivision STEAM_0:1:95084732 Half(STEAM_0:1:38325118) Skip Raid, Gore, Civil Unrest, Real Life Death, Permanent, Log IDs: 1698948, 1710120, 1710121 12/02/16 17:20:46 Permanent Never Half (STEAM_0:1:38325118) 12/02/16 17:22:41
1235 Sp00der |Ag STEAM_0:0:96839054 PRO15699(STEAM_0:1:65720881) Tease, 2 weeks, Log IDs: 1704450, 1704471, 1710369 12/02/16 14:47:07 2 weeks 12/16/16 14:47:07 PRO15699 (STEAM_0:1:65720881) 12/02/16 15:23:15