ID Username Steam ID Admin Reason Time of Ban Length of Ban Unban Time Modified Admin Time When Modified
1354 Jason STEAM_0:0:79817270 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Trolling, Discrimination, 1 week 03/14/17 01:51:09 1 week 03/21/17 01:51:09 None None
1353 STEAM_0:1:198834671 Zep (STEAM_0:1:59727297) trolling, Tease x3, nudity [D]. 5 days, log id : 1833547, 1833546, 1833545, 1833544 03/11/17 01:36:39 5 days 03/16/17 01:36:39 None None
1352 loliamretardedandhavenolife STEAM_0:0:201734867 Machigai(STEAM_0:1:70760748) Real Life Death, Disgusting, Perma, Log IDs:1831199, 1831212 03/08/17 07:32:36 Permanent Never Machigai (STEAM_0:1:70760748) 03/08/17 07:33:39
1351 gamertim STEAM_0:0:51310811 Machigai(STEAM_0:1:70760748) Tease, 1 Week, Log IDs:1830088, 1830082, 1830096, 1830086 03/07/17 07:34:45 1 week 03/14/17 07:34:45 Machigai (STEAM_0:1:70760748) 03/07/17 07:36:00
1350 [OG] ❁ Master ❁ STEAM_0:0:60366827 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Animal Sex, Trolling, 2 weeks. Log IDs: 1829587 03/06/17 22:42:59 2 weeks 03/20/17 22:42:59 None None
1349 _Astral_ STEAM_0:0:107718301 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Tease, Ear Rape, 4 Days. Log IDs: 1829613, 1829599, 1829583 03/06/17 22:34:41 4 days 03/10/17 22:34:41 None None
1348 Casper STEAM_0:1:151549900 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Discrimination, Gore [D], trolling. 2 Weeks Log ID: 1829588 03/06/17 22:25:02 1 week 03/13/17 22:25:02 None None
1347 Volta STEAM_0:0:86544415 Funkmasterg4(STEAM_0:1:66320323) Trolling,Pornography, 2 weeks Log ID: 1824917 03/02/17 23:38:05 2 weeks 03/16/17 23:38:05 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) 03/03/17 00:10:18
1346 Trayvun Murtin STEAM_0:1:84505697 salty bird(STEAM_0:1:55852355) Discrimination,Real Life Death, Disturbing, Permanent,Log IDs:1822539,1822549,1822555,1822532 02/28/17 17:45:30 Permanent Never salty bird (STEAM_0:1:55852355) 02/28/17 17:45:45
1345 Blobfisherinno STEAM_0:0:80554276 Zep(STEAM_0:1:59727297) Gore[D] x 4, Trolling, 1 days, log ID : 182130, 1821310, 1821329, 1821340 02/26/17 19:32:24 1 day 02/27/17 19:32:24 Zep (STEAM_0:1:59727297) 02/26/17 20:17:33
1344 STEAM_0:0:140424703 (Console) [Child Alt: STEAM_0:1:204374666] Trolling, Chat Spam, Requested a ban, 1 day 02/26/17 03:09:51 23 hours 02/27/17 03:05:15 None None
1343 ban me RIGHT NOW STEAM_0:1:204374666 Zep (STEAM_0:1:59727297) Trolling, Chat Spam, Requested a ban, 1 day 02/26/17 03:05:15 1 day 02/27/17 03:05:15 None None
1342 saltyburger70 STEAM_0:1:178325073 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Ecchi,Trolling, 1 week, Log IDs: 1820114, 1820120, 1820121. 02/25/17 23:19:51 1 week 03/04/17 23:19:51 None None
1340 (ᵔᴥᵔ) STEAM_0:1:32562061 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Tease, Loop, Discrimination, Ear Rape, 12 Days, Log IDs:1819126, 1819118, 1819117, 1819116, 1819097, 1819042, 1819013, 1819018, 1819053, 1819115, 1819101 02/25/17 08:34:33 1 week 03/09/17 08:34:33 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 02/25/17 08:35:25
1341 Gerald THE NUMBER MEME STEAM_0:0:106739891 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Discrimination, Tease, Ear Rape, 9 Days, Log IDs:1819040, 1819045, 1819056, 1819051, 1819057, 1819095, 1819110, 1819022 02/25/17 08:34:33 1 week 03/06/17 08:34:33 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 02/25/17 08:35:05
1339 beenis STEAM_0:0:41822001 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Tease, Ear Rape, 8 Days, Log IDs: 1817384, 1817399, 1817402, 1817406 02/23/17 08:13:14 1 week 03/03/17 08:13:14 None None
1338 | Murphy | STEAM_0:1:128686073 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Disturbing, Trolling, Mic Spam, Ear Rape, Log IDs: 1761006, 1760997, 1760969, 1815293, 1815309. 1 week 02/21/17 03:25:38 1 week 02/28/17 03:25:38 None None
1337 Jonothan Dripcum STEAM_0:0:41947771 Funkmasterg4(STEAM_0:1:66320323) Discrimination. 2 weeks 02/20/17 05:07:17 2 weeks 03/06/17 05:07:17 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) 02/20/17 05:08:44
1336 Slash STEAM_0:1:60504253 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Discrimination, Mic Spam, Trolling. 1 Week 02/18/17 06:06:06 1 week 02/25/17 06:06:06 None None
1335 H0M0R 80M8 STEAM_0:1:37958588 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Nudity, Ecchi, Ear Rape, Discrimination, Loop, Adult Humor, Log IDs: 1549513, 1549511, 1551352, 1633057, 1652747, 1687345, 1687347. 1 Month 02/18/17 06:03:48 4 weeks 03/18/17 06:03:48 None None
1334 STEAM_0:1:203647052 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:1:60578998] Trolling by attempting to avoid punishment by disconnecting and reconecting. 02/17/17 03:41:12 23 hours 02/18/17 03:27:31 None None
1333 Griffin STEAM_0:1:60578998 Funkmasterg4(STEAM_0:1:66320323) Trolling, 1 Day 02/17/17 03:27:31 1 day 02/18/17 03:27:31 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) 02/18/17 00:15:34
1332 JCSgamingOriginal2082 STEAM_0:0:146198635 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Discrimination, Ear Rape, Tease, 3 Weeks, Log IDs: 1809688, 1809691, 1809695, 1809696, 1809706, 1809726 02/15/17 07:21:07 3 weeks 03/08/17 07:21:07 None None
1331 Rabbi Swartz STEAM_0:0:37003511 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Hentai, Tease, 2 Weeks, Log IDs:1806876, 1806854, 1806837, 1806820 02/12/17 08:55:43 2 weeks 02/26/17 08:55:43 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 02/12/17 08:57:06
1330 Cheenus STEAM_0:0:35050705 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Hentai, Pornography, Ecchi, Tease, 3 Weeks, Log IDs:1806746, 1806879, 1806810, 1806880, 1806812, 1806818, 1806824 02/12/17 08:55:43 3 weeks 03/05/17 08:55:43 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 02/12/17 08:56:52
1329 Kill La Kill Yourself STEAM_0:1:37946084 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Animal Slaughter, Permanent, Log ID: 1806779 02/12/17 08:27:52 Permanent Never Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 02/12/17 08:56:41
1328 STEAM_0:1:121812058 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:1:44306906] Real Life Death, Permanent, Log ID: 1675823 02/10/17 00:52:04 Permanent Never None None
1327 Van Darkholme STEAM_0:0:82008299 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Discrimination, Tease, Pornography, Animal Slaughter, Permanent, Log IDs: 1443217, 1443247, 1525428, 1631940, 1648039, 1783663, 1803879 02/09/17 04:22:31 Permanent Never None None
1326 Kôlônel Bogdanoff STEAM_0:1:60036754 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Discrimination, Ear Rape, Disturbing, Gore [D], Loop, 4 Weeks, Log IDs: 1477905, 1549913, 1619519, 1663917, 1666867, 1672271, 1761131, 1803849, 1803842, 1803840 02/09/17 04:07:58 4 weeks 03/09/17 04:07:58 None None
1325 ⛧ J̴a̷c̵k̷a̴l ⛧ STEAM_0:0:49007938 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Mic Spam, Animal Porn, Civil Unrest, Log IDs:1802866, 1802867,1802868, 1802870, 1802871, 1802872, 02/08/17 03:15:06 Permanent Never None None