ID Username Steam ID Admin Reason Time of Ban Length of Ban Unban Time Modified Admin Time When Modified
1504 slowdog2 STEAM_0:1:48369934 TheEpicYnot(STEAM_0:1:81065465) Discrimination,Trolling,Raiding, 2 Weeks 08/08/17 03:03:30 2 weeks 08/22/17 03:03:30 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 08/08/17 08:09:03
1503 KDP Ninja STEAM_0:0:134017162 TheEpicYnot(STEAM_0:1:81065465) Discrimination,Trolling,Raiding, 2 Weeks 08/08/17 03:01:56 2 weeks 08/22/17 03:01:56 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 08/08/17 08:08:52
1502 Strawberi Wet Dreams STEAM_0:1:39471822 TheEpicYnot(STEAM_0:1:81065465) Discrimination,Trolling,Raiding, 2 Weeks 08/08/17 03:00:47 2 weeks 08/22/17 03:00:47 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 08/08/17 08:08:40
1501 black racist hater! STEAM_0:0:34058631 TheEpicYnot(STEAM_0:1:81065465) Discrimination,trolling,Raiding, 2 Weeks 08/08/17 03:00:19 2 weeks 08/22/17 03:00:19 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 08/08/17 08:08:32
1500 I Love Black People STEAM_0:0:32163151 TheEpicYnot(STEAM_0:1:81065465) Discrimination,trolling,Raiding, 2 Weeks 08/08/17 03:00:13 2 weeks 08/22/17 03:00:13 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 08/08/17 08:08:22
1499 Lieutenant America STEAM_0:0:23698592 TheEpicYnot(STEAM_0:1:81065465) Discrimination,Trolling,Raiding, 2 Weeks 08/08/17 02:29:43 2 weeks 08/22/17 02:29:43 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 08/08/17 08:08:14
1498 giggity giggity STEAM_0:0:114618761 Tea(STEAM_0:0:40610366) Discrimination, Trolling, 1 Week 08/07/17 16:13:02 1 week 08/14/17 16:13:02 Tea (STEAM_0:0:40610366) 08/07/17 16:15:18
1497 Call Of Champz STEAM_0:1:41204177 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Animal Slaughter, Permanent, Log ID: 1983738 08/07/17 03:54:00 Permanent Never None None
1496 mysticated STEAM_0:0:102813357 TheEpicYnot(STEAM_0:1:81065465) Posting Porn,Discrimination,Trolling log id: 1979289 08/04/17 19:39:30 2 weeks 08/18/17 19:39:30 WinterPhoenix96 (STEAM_0:0:39101323) 08/05/17 05:20:49
1495 Reggin Toggaf STEAM_0:0:87673711 TheEpicYnot (STEAM_0:1:81065465) Discrimination,Trolling 2 weeks 08/04/17 19:13:37 2 weeks 08/18/17 19:13:37 None None
1494 EGG NOG STEAM_0:0:131040742 salty bird(STEAM_0:1:55852355) Ear Rape, Trolling, Spoilers, Discrimination,3 Day, Log ID: 1745209 08/03/17 00:51:28 3 days 08/06/17 00:51:28 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 08/03/17 02:45:03
1493 Varian STEAM_0:0:62331875 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Discrimination, Harassment, 1 Month, Log IDs:1972002, 1972001, 1971998 07/31/17 13:09:15 4 weeks 08/28/17 13:09:15 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 07/31/17 13:10:43
1492 Mr Mitler STEAM_0:1:80014546 TheEpicYnot(STEAM_0:1:81065465) [Alt: STEAM_0:0:61512969] Discrimination,2 weeks 07/31/17 02:18:39 2 weeks 08/14/17 02:18:39 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 07/31/17 13:16:52
1491 STEAM_0:0:224120020 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:0:61512969] Discrimination,2 weeks 07/31/17 01:34:08 1 week 08/13/17 19:24:28 None None
1490 STEAM_0:0:61535424 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:0:61512969] Discrimination,2 weeks 07/30/17 19:33:26 1 week 08/13/17 19:24:28 None None
1489 SHC STEAM_0:0:61512969 TheEpicYnot(STEAM_0:1:81065465) Discrimination,2 weeks 07/30/17 19:24:28 2 weeks 08/13/17 19:24:28 TheEpicYnot (STEAM_0:1:81065465) 07/30/17 19:27:46
1488 giggity giggity STEAM_0:0:114618761 Zep (STEAM_0:1:59727297) Civil Unrest, Discrimination, Log ID:1969259,1969258 07/30/17 00:50:15 1 week 08/06/17 00:50:15 None None
1487 catcow420 STEAM_0:1:162717869 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Discrimination, Tease, Pornography, Civil Unrest, 1 Month, Log IDs: 1968014, 1968026, 1968069, 1968074 07/29/17 07:01:09 4 weeks 08/26/17 07:01:09 None None
1486 Scrubs STEAM_0:0:49967392 Slut(STEAM_0:1:70760748) Disrespecting TheHero Memorial, Discrimination, Permanent, Log ID: 1967164 07/28/17 19:54:07 Permanent Never Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 07/29/17 08:31:50
1485 Tulsadlance STEAM_0:1:43766869 Slut (STEAM_0:1:70760748) Hentai, Pornography, 1 Month, Log IDs:1966067, 1966068, 1966068, 1966069, 1966070, 1966084,1966088, 1966031 07/27/17 22:33:53 4 weeks 08/26/17 22:33:53 None None
1484 Fat Fluffy Kitty STEAM_0:1:49770828 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Real Life Death, Disturbing, Nudity, Pornography, Permanent, Log IDs: 1964713, 1964704, 1964705, 1964703, 1964707, 1964714, 1964715 07/27/17 03:34:14 Permanent Never Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 07/27/17 03:45:53
1483 dooper STEAM_0:1:78885440 TheEpicCumDumpster(STEAM_0:1:81065465) Trolling, Discrimination, 2 weeks 07/26/17 02:42:34 2 weeks 08/09/17 02:42:34 Zep (STEAM_0:1:59727297) 07/26/17 02:49:28
1482 Odis STEAM_0:1:88170711 Zep(STEAM_0:1:59727297) Trolling, Discrimination, 2 weeks 07/26/17 02:41:46 2 weeks 08/09/17 02:41:46 Zep (STEAM_0:1:59727297) 07/26/17 02:49:33
1481 ITSOKAYTOCRY STEAM_0:1:218183495 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Ear Rape, 8 Days, Log IDs: 1960857, 1961955, 1961970, 1961963 07/25/17 05:36:46 1 week 08/02/17 05:36:46 None None
1480 Flakes STEAM_0:1:80174829 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Nudity, Skip Raiding, 2Weeks, Log IDs: 1961764, 1961770, 1961784 07/25/17 03:29:58 2 weeks 08/08/17 03:29:58 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 07/25/17 03:31:29
1479 FuzzyLobster STEAM_0:0:84361272 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Discrimination, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1961736, 1961745, 1961753 07/25/17 03:16:47 2 weeks 08/08/17 03:16:47 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 07/25/17 03:19:47
1478 STEAM_0:1:210686651 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:1:60036754] Ear Rape, Multiple Past Bans, Perma, Log IDs: 1837389 1843718, 1912833, 1912837, 1916151 07/23/17 19:09:01 Permanent Never None None
1477 nigga111 STEAM_0:0:141186811 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Pornography, Nudity, Tease, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1959478, 1959487, 1959507 07/23/17 07:30:35 2 weeks 08/06/17 07:30:35 None None
1476 Lord Beerus STEAM_0:1:90388324 Hugbeez (STEAM_0:1:82476124) Discrimination, Mic Spam, 5 Days 07/22/17 07:09:40 5 days 07/27/17 07:09:40 None None
1475 ߷Bleach™Bisexual©Kitten® STEAM_0:0:90538215 Hugbeez(STEAM_0:1:82476124) Tease, Hentai, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1958255, 1958267, 1958270, 1958285 07/22/17 06:46:01 2 weeks 08/05/17 06:46:01 Hugbeez (STEAM_0:1:82476124) 07/22/17 06:46:33