ID Username Steam ID Admin Reason Time of Ban Length of Ban Unban Time Modified Admin Time When Modified
1564 STEAM_0:1:45328168 spoopy bird (STEAM_0:1:55852355) Ear Rape, Discrimination, 1 Week, Log: 2045235, 2061860, 2061858 10/24/17 16:54:34 1 week 10/31/17 16:54:34 None None
1563 Rem STEAM_0:1:45328168 Tobivator (STEAM_0:1:97279639) ear rape, discrimination 10/24/17 16:48:56 1 week 10/31/17 16:48:56 None None
1562 EZI978 STEAM_0:1:49435219 spoopy bird (STEAM_0:1:55852355) Tease, Ear Rape, Trolling, 3 Weeks, Log IDs: 2068756, 2068755, 2068760, 2068766,2068822, 2068826, 2068830, 2068832, 2068843 10/23/17 06:01:17 3 weeks 11/13/17 06:01:17 None None
1561 Däyum STEAM_0:1:41020268 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Chat Spam Script, Discrimination, 2 Weeks 10/11/17 09:55:03 2 weeks 10/25/17 09:55:03 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 10/11/17 09:55:35
1560 Dorkhunter567 STEAM_0:1:233320026 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Discrimination, 1 Week 10/10/17 01:21:49 1 week 10/17/17 01:21:49 None None
1559 Poopy Dinky STEAM_0:0:52680537 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Nudity, Hentai, Mutiple Past Bans, Permanent, Log IDs: 2047533, 2047528, 2047527, 1735621 09/27/17 07:34:07 Permanent Never None None
1558 STEAM_0:1:190776880 (Console) [Parent Alt: STEAM_0:0:516163] Trolling, Civil Unrest, Permanent, Log ID:1494781 09/27/17 07:25:02 Permanent Never None None
1557 maple_shade STEAM_0:1:102275285 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Disgusting, Ear Rape, Gore, Disturbing, 2 Months, Log IDs: 2041375, 2041369, 2041419, 2041398, 2041403, 2041406 09/21/17 05:09:33 8 weeks 11/16/17 05:09:33 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 09/21/17 05:09:51
1556 Jelly STEAM_0:1:48589169 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Pornography, Real Life Death, 1 Week, Log IDs:1950551, 2034099 09/16/17 03:41:47 1 week 09/23/17 03:41:47 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 09/18/17 00:28:45
1555 ☣️ Insane Guzma ⚡ STEAM_0:1:52304567 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Disturbing, Real Life Death, Permanent, Log IDs:2036343, 2036344, 2036366 09/16/17 03:41:47 Permanent Never None None
1554 Cow STEAM_0:1:39028065 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Ear Rape, Tease, Discrimination, 3 Weeks, Log IDs:2034447, 2035566, 2035560, 2035586, 2035573, 2035585, 2035584 09/16/17 03:41:47 3 weeks 10/07/17 03:41:47 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 09/16/17 03:43:29
1553 ϟϟ Lt.America STEAM_0:0:23698592 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Trolling, Mic Spam, 3 days 09/15/17 01:22:39 3 days 09/18/17 01:22:39 None None
1552 sumeone STEAM_0:1:31193388 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Pornography,2 Months,Log IDs: 2032008, 2032010, 2032011, 2032013, 2032014 09/10/17 21:27:44 8 weeks 11/05/17 21:27:44 None None
1551 Solaire STEAM_0:0:124399870 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Real Life Death, Permanent, Log ID:2031581 09/10/17 05:26:00 Permanent Never None None
1550 Dizzy STEAM_0:0:4428703 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Pornography, Multiple Past Offenses, Permanent, Log IDs:2031050, 2031044 09/10/17 05:26:00 Permanent Never Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 09/10/17 05:28:55
1549 awgamerthe5th STEAM_0:1:147531782 Funkmasterg4(STEAM_0:1:66320323) Pornography, Ear Rape, Gore, Civil Unrest, 2 Months, Log IDs:2031442, 2031546, 2031535, 2031521, 2031518, 2031565, 2031560 09/10/17 05:18:01 8 weeks 11/05/17 05:18:01 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 09/10/17 05:50:58
1548 Arachnoides STEAM_0:1:21885784 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Tease,Civil Unrest, 2 weeks, Log IDs: 2029968, 2029967 09/09/17 03:38:40 2 weeks 09/23/17 03:38:40 None None
1547 Cvzk STEAM_0:1:166908227 Ocean Man(STEAM_0:0:32530134) Discrimination, Trolling, 1 week, Log IDs:2029753, 2029762 09/09/17 00:11:29 1 week 09/16/17 00:11:29 Ocean Man (STEAM_0:0:32530134) 09/09/17 00:12:30
1546 Zodiac STEAM_0:0:130275664 Ocean Man(STEAM_0:0:32530134) Discrimination, Trolling, 1 week, Log IDs: 2029720, 2029724 09/08/17 23:57:53 1 week 09/15/17 23:57:53 Ocean Man (STEAM_0:0:32530134) 09/09/17 00:07:36
1545 BÜRRITO STEAM_0:1:59973301 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Gore, Ecchi, 1 Week, Log IDs:2029331, 2029330, 2027269, 2027270, 2009588, 2009320, 2007353, 2007295, 2007287, 1984061, 2007295, 2029310, 2029309, 2029308, 2029307, 2029306, 2029305 09/08/17 08:00:47 1 week 09/15/17 08:00:47 None None
1544 Owen STEAM_0:1:61225403 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Discrimination, 1 week 09/08/17 00:44:00 1 week 09/15/17 00:44:00 None None
1543 OTAKU NERD WEEB WAIFU SENPAI STEAM_0:1:65690567 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Trolling, 1 Day 09/07/17 21:48:48 1 day 09/08/17 21:48:48 None None
1542 ANITA HANJAAB STEAM_0:1:68578254 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Tease, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 2027922, 2027925, 2027930, 2027933, 2027918 09/07/17 02:42:04 2 weeks 09/21/17 02:42:04 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 09/07/17 02:46:19
1541 Norfside STEAM_0:0:28469529 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) Nudity, Tease, 1 week, Log IDs: 2027944, 2027945, 2027946, 2027958 09/07/17 02:30:11 1 week 09/14/17 02:30:11 None None
1540 Dankquility STEAM_0:0:95726372 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Gore, 1 Month, Log ID: 2025080 09/04/17 22:33:31 4 weeks 10/02/17 22:33:31 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 09/04/17 22:33:47
1539 where the honey dips at? STEAM_0:1:56547269 Funkmasterg4(STEAM_0:1:66320323) Discrimination,trolling 1 week, log ID: 2023621 09/03/17 03:44:49 1 week 09/10/17 03:44:49 Funkmasterg4 (STEAM_0:1:66320323) 09/03/17 03:45:21
1538 Tap0ut STEAM_0:0:42697696 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) Disturbing, 3 Months, Log ID:2018898 08/30/17 04:08:07 13 weeks 11/29/17 11:34:07 None None
1537 Hedgehoggerz STEAM_0:1:57076670 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Nudity, Skip Raid, Animal Sex, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 1957571, 1957567, 1957557, 2017476, 2017489 08/28/17 21:38:44 2 weeks 09/11/17 21:38:44 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 08/28/17 21:40:35
1536 TheOnlyBlockHeadFred STEAM_0:1:55602456 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Tease, 1 Week, Log IDs: 2013518, 2013521, 2013502, 2013503, 2013528 08/26/17 07:40:21 1 week 09/02/17 07:40:21 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 08/26/17 07:41:09
1535 Darkee STEAM_0:1:52884366 Pants(STEAM_0:1:37219153) Pornography, 2 Weeks, Log IDs: 2012813, 2012836 08/25/17 20:55:05 2 weeks 09/08/17 20:55:05 Pants (STEAM_0:1:37219153) 08/25/17 20:57:08